Fats and Oils

Eating the right oils can help you avoid some major chronic diseases. Opinion has changed often on these oils – however they still play major roles in heart disease and inflammation.

A problem with the Westernized diet is often due to an imbalance in our fat intake. We have been oversold on both the “dangers” of saturated fat as well as on the alleged goodness of polyunsaturated fats. What about coconut oil? The true picture is more complex. The latest guidelines still limits saturated fat while others contend that “all saturated fat is not bad for you. One thing to keep in mind is: The balance between the omega 6s and the omega 3s are both essential to human health; However, the 6’s are considered inflammatory while the 3 s are anti-inflammatory. We use fats and oils in cooking – so it becomes important to know a few hints on how to use them.

Thus: Our Oil /Fat Guide At A Glance

Some saturated fat is good for us.

Omega-3s are very, very good for us.

Monounsaturated fats are good for us. They have one double bond and usually considered “heart healthy” or neutral in their effects.

Omega-6s are good for us if balanced with the 3’s.( if not processed and refined to death.) Corn oil is a common one.

Reused (reheated) vegetable oils are really, really bad. When used repeatedly as the oil for deep fried foods, they are really, really, bad. So, limit the deep fried.

Trans fats are “metabolic”s poison. The acceptable level in the diet is zero. Read the product’s Nutrition Facts label.

Extra virgin (EVOO) olive oil is in a class by itself, although a plant oil. It contains a lot of compounds called phenols which are antioxidants. Translation: The stuff is really good for you and is a major component of the Mediterranean Diet (a favored way to spend the rest of your diet choices.)

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